Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Good Defence Wins Ball Games

  Ah yes, Defence.

   We've all seen the difference a superior defence can make to a teams success. Nine players on the field and each has a defensive responsibility on each and every play. Not every one will be a star but teaching defensive responsibility brings huge rewards. Teaching the player how to anticipate what may transpire as the play develops is one key - and repetition is the other. It is, therefore essential that the players constantly communicate with each other, on the field and in the dug-out.

  Observing the flight of the ball, backing up the catch, watching the   baserunner, setting up the cuts, letting each other know which base the play should be made to etc. are all vital in developing good defence.

" Where's the play?"

   The obvious skills we started in an earlier blog ( Practice with a Purpose ). In it I described the basics of throwing, catching and fielding.  So now what? 

  First off, the player needs to be aware of what process takes place on each and every play.   Start by getting in the habit of asking the players every at bat during the early years -" Where's the play?" Don't be afraid to interrupt live batting practice to remind players of the options available. In fact 'live' practice is often the best time to teach defence. Just don't spend too much time;  adjust one thing and move on. 

 Most often the answer will be " Play to 1st."  or " 2nd & 1st." " Home", etc.
This serves 2 purposes. 1) the player is reminded where the ball is to go even if he forgot. 2) the player not receiving the ball knows where to go also.

  On a play to 1st, with no one on, it is the catchers responsibility to cover throws to 1st base in case of over throw.  On a 'pick-off play', the right fielder  should be prepared to cover 1st.  Generally, the infield will be slightly deeper with no one on base.  The 1st baseman may be too distant to cover the base in which case the pitcher should cover 1st.

 With a runner on base, the short stop will cover 2nd on all plays to the right side if the park; while the 2nd baseman will cover the base on plays to the left side.  The middle infielders should carefully watch the strike zone for pitch location.  Most often a pitch away would lead to an opposite field hit while a pitch inside is easier to 'pull'. Anticipation. Which ever player covers the base, he other falls in line with the throw behind the other to back him up.  Note that the covering player should not get too close in case the ball gets deflected. This is also true for the various outfielders that will also cover the throw.

  Obviously younger players will have trouble executing the play but the idea of "Where's the play" is the point here and learning to back each other up. It is, after all a team game.

  With runners on 1st and 2nd, the normal play is to 3rd base, in which case the pitcher backs up the 3rd baseman as the left fielder comes closer, just in case.

  In a 1st and 3rd situation, the idea is to get an out ( or 2) while not giving up a run.  This play requires some timing, depends on who fields the ball and knowledge of all the options. A sharply hit ground ball to the infield is considered ideal because the runner on 3rd is 'checked' before the ball is delivered to 2nd then 1st. Hopefully a double play with no run scored.

  When the situation calls for a play at 'home' it is the pitchers responsibility to back up the catcher. This is true of almost any play at the plate.

  Remember Coach, don't let your players that are not directly involved in the play become spectators.  They all have jobs to do. Make sure they're moving on each and every play. Anticipation.

  In terms of defensive responsibility, the catcher relays the plays from the dug-out.  He is in the best position to see the entire field.  Once the ball is in play, the short stop can direct the infield as to the play and the person to take a pop-up. When the ball is in the out field, the responsibility shifts to the center fielder.

  In an earlier blog (Game Day) I described the best way to warm up your outfield defence prior to the game. Repeat this drill during practice but this time the emphasis is to line up the 'cuts'.

  It is the rare player that can make a pinpoint throw to home from the deep outfield. It is logical then that we must find a way to get the ball to the necessary base in the most efficient way possible. This is achieved by setting up a relay.  This player will be either the 2nd baseman or shortstop, depending on whether the ball is hit to right field or left.

  The infielder should go halfway between the ball and the intended base. The outfielder should throw 'through' the upraised arms of the infielder.  In some cases, a 'double cut' may be required. For example:  A runner is tagging at 2nd base on an outfield hit to right field.  In this case, it is unlikely right fielder can make the throw to 3rd base or home, so send the 2nd baseman halfway out and the short stop behind, directly in line with the base. The runner may still get to 3rd but hopefully no further.

  In any case, the pitcher is the last line of defence in case of any over throw to 3rd base or home. He will be in foul territory well behind the 3rd baseman or in the case of home plate, several feet back.

 In the event of an attempt to achieve an out at home from the outfield, the 1st baseman should take all infield cuts and should initially position himself near the mound to shorten the distance.

 A good drill for practicing cuts is to set 2 parallel lines of players.  Separate the players so that they are nearly at the limit of their ability to throw 'a frozen rope'. In other words, hard and straight, to the next person.

  Begin with the ball at one end of the line. The players must, in turn, receive the ball, turn and throw to the next, and so on.  Observe the footwork (step and throw) and the throwing (watch for side arm) and correct as necessary.

  Once you are comfortable, add a second ball then a third.  In this way the drill speeds up. Have a race!

  It's a good idea to give the out field some specialized drills beside fly balls and grounders.  Out fielders need to know how to track the flight of the ball. Set up with a coach as quarterback, send out 2 players, one to receive and one to defend. The 2 players will run away from the coach. He will then call "ball right" or "ball left".  The players will locate the ball over their shoulders and attempt to beat his opponent to the ball. As the players mature, drop the 'cover man' and send out the player. Call 'ball' as you release it.  The player will then turn his head, finds the ball in the air, and attempts to catch it.
    A similar exercise up against the outfield fence works well too. Work on using the warning track as an aid in gauging the distance to the fence. 

  Work on pitchers fielding practice (PFP's) by having the pitcher simulate a pitch. A coach at home hits a ball to the left of 1st base.  The covering player will be several feet to the left of, and behind the base.  The pitcher then runs to the base to accept the throw from the covering player.  If you can use the everyday 1st baseman - better.

  It's true that you can't win without pitching and hitting but with good defence, you always give the team chance to win. 

Next: The Catcher           


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