Sunday, April 17, 2016

Call me Coach

Ok. You've just signed your child up for Little League Baseball.

It is so nice that your child wants to share your passion. In the midst of all the enthusiasm that he or she has, and the joy you are feeling at your child about to learn the lifelong joys of 'America's pastime', someone mentions that the team needs a coach. Since you'll be at the ball park anyway, you figure you might as well help out whoever volunteers for the 'Head Coach' job.

A phone call comes the next day to tell you that you are the only one to put your name forward.  Will you please act as Coach, pick up your new team roster, schedule and equipment bag.

"What the......I don't know anything about coaching!  What am I supposed to do?"


First you'll need a positive mental attitude and a desire to truly enjoy yourself.  A coach can have a huge influence on a child. Like a school teacher, or police officer, parents defer to them.  “Do what the coach says."  This is vital.  Never forget.

Day 1

Check your gear.  Make sure everything is in good repair.  If your organization provides medical kits - good; if not get or make one.  You may never need it but it's good to have, just in case. Try to get a 5 gal pail or milk crate to carry baseballs.  It makes the balls easy to access and transport. Next, do all you can to get more help- your life will be easier.

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