Monday, April 11, 2016

Welcome to my Blogsite

Baseball -It has been my pleasure to have been involved in 'the great American Pastime', most of my adult life.  It didn't come to me early, in fact I never played competitive ball until my 20's. I never played baseball as a kid - it wasn't available to me. I always loved the 'grand old game' anyway and as soon as the chance came, I took it. After a couple of seasons, an old shoulder injury came back to haunt and my playing days were too soon over.

Thankfully, that wasn't the end of the story as about the same time, my son started to play baseball.  Like most parents, I started going to all the practices as well as his games and eventually I began to help out wherever possible.  I loved it!  Outdoors in the summer with the family; getting to know the other parents of teammates was wonderful.

After the first season, I determined to become a coach. And if that was to be the case, I wanted to be as knowledgeable as possible and started attending any clinic that I could. Over the next 35 years, I learned from coaches in Florida, Michigan, Toronto and others. I have coached every level from house league to university to semi-pro and learned under some amazing people. I have also studied body mechanics, nutrition and exercise. Moving forward I will share all this through description, photos and short videos. These will include  sample drills  and exercises to enhance a particular skill.

This blog site is to encourage others to take the lessons I have learned and expand on them. Use your ingenuity - make them better and share. Meantime, let me help you get started on the road to success coaching baseball.

If you have any suggestions to the betterment of coaching or questions for me, take a few minutes and say hello.

Good luck, and warm wishes.

Coach Dave

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